Septic Tank Desludging.

How do you know if you should be considering septic tank desludging?

To find out

  1. Insert a 2” x 1” wooden pole or similar into the first chamber, through the “crust”.
  2. Mark on the 2×1 when you feel some solids at the bottom of the tank.
  3. Push the 2×1 further to the bottom. Mark this also.
  4. Compare the depth of sludge to the total water depth.
  5. If the sludge is one third or more of the water depth it is time to call in the tanker.

Obviously if the tank is full and backing up to the house this is not just a matter of a quick-fix desludging but a percolation problem which requires considerable more work.

At the end of the day it is the homeowners responsibility to ensure that the septic tank and percolation area perform properly and that they do not pollute the wider environment.

Read our post on Maintenance of a Septic Tank here.

EPA Guidelines on Maintaining your Septic Tank

Read the EPA Report and Guidelines for owners of septic tanks and packaged treatment systems to help to address the lack of understanding among homeowners of how their domestic wastewater treatment systems operate and to encourage responsible operation and maintenance.

If you have any questions about septic tank desludging, follow the link below

The most important element in the effective maintenance of a septic tank is desludging of the primary chamber periodically.

Contrary to what some people believe, ALL humans produce sludge.

How much? Roughly 90 litres per year. This the equivalent of a grown man. Given time this will compact to 60 litres.

Once this more than half fills the primary chamber, it then starts to overspill into the second chamber and into the percolation area.

Moreover, it reduces the available capacity for anaerobic digestion , thereby increasing the amount of untreated sewage to the percolation area.

Read more on Desludging your Septic Tank here

Contact us here with any queries about Maintainence of a Septic Tank

Prevent Oil Theft

Oil tank theft has risen approximately 153% since 2011, with more than 1,200 thefts in heating oil nationwide. As the black market for oil increases, the rewards for offenders do also. The incidents have not been confined to residential oil tanks, with schools, businesses, play groups and churches also being targeted. According to the Irish Times even an army barracks has been targeted with a tanker containing 20,000 litres of seized fuel being stolen from Aiken Military Barracks in Co. Louth in May 2013.

OFTEC represents the domestic oil heating and cooking industry in Ireland and David Blevings, OFTEC Ireland Manager said “ Houses, farms, business premises, transport depots and holiday homes can all be affected- especially within rural areas or on quiet residential streets. Usually it’s only when people run out of oil and their heating stops working that theft becomes apparent. However, taking a few simple precautions such as making a regular note of your oil levels will help to ensure you are not the victim of oil theft”.


Police and insurers advise customers to prevent oil theft in the following ways:

  • check oil levels frequently
  • try to arrange smaller but more frequent oil deliveries;
  • install automatic movement sensor security lighting around the tank
  • plant shrubs or erect fencing to screen tanks from view from the road
  • install and use lockable access gates, and erect lockable fencing around your tank, including over the top
  • consider fitting an alarm system which warns if the oil level drops suddenly
  • be vigilant following a delivery
  • be aware thieves may return to steal replacement oil following an initial theft
  • note suspicious vehicles’ registration numbers and report them to police.


Prevent Oil Theft with O’Reilly Oakstown Diesel Defence System

Protect your fuel tanks from theft, damage and the risk of ground contamination caused by fuel theft. If your oil tanks are at risk we can install secure concrete enclosures to stop opportunistic thieves. All our units come with lockable filling points on top and lockable fuelling points on front if required.

Diesel Defence Tanks can also be used to build fuel tanks where necessary. Read more here

If you would like to know more Contact Us Here Today


Inspection of Septic Tanks

THE EPA has drawn up a seven-page checklist for inspection of septic tanks and treatment systems by trained local authority staff. It spells out what an inspector will look for during inspections and the information entered will determine whether or not the septic tank is deemed compliant with standards or is in breach.

The checklist is in three sections.

Section one identifies the property and whether or not the septic tank is registered with the local authority.
Section two looks at site characteristics and the design of the septic tank.
Section three is the biggest and most important section and focuses on whether the septic tank is operating to standard; specifically, is it complying with the Water Services Acts and Domestic Waste Water Treatment Systems Regulations 2012? It asks if there are:

  • Unintended leaks from the system including from the tank, inlet and outlet pipes, distribution box or manholes.
  • Unlicensed or untreated discharge of effluent or greywater to surface waters or ground waters, including via sub-surface conduit, i.e., an underground pipe.
  • Discharge causing wet areas or ponding.
  • Clean water from roofs, etc, entering the septic tank.
  • Lack of maintenance as indicated by odour or noise.
  • Components not operating properly, including tank, pipes, distribution box, manholes and covers.
  • Components of secondary systems, where present, not operating properly, including pumps, float switches and alarms.
  • On desludging (emptying), it asks is there evidence that the tank or unit has not been desludged, if it needs desludging and who has carried out desludging? If desludging was carried out by a third party, it asks for name and contact details, for a receipt and whether or not the contractor was authorised.
  • Where the tank was emptied by the owner, i.e. the farmer, it asks if there is evidence the sludge was not used for agriculture and spread in a way that contravenes regulations.
  • Finally, the checklist asks if there is evidence that the system constitutes a risk to human health or to the environment.

Article written by Paul Mooney,
See more at:


O’Reilly Oakstown Septic Tanks have been featured in the Farming Independent Article 23 July 13!

Septic Tank advice from Diarmuid O’Reilly in an article on watercourses, poor percolation areas and sludge warnings. Diarmuid explains that some older septic tanks were built with little or no regard for the environment or health risks to humans.

Diarmuid explains  “I would estimate that 10% of the 500,000 septic tanks in Ireland had no attention paid to how they would or should work. Another 60% of tanks were reasonably well constructed but have poor percolation areas that only last 10-11 years before they give up” he said.

Septic tanks that allow overflow of effluent directly into a drain, stream or rive pose the greatest health risk.  ” In some cases, people have actually dug a drain straight to a ditch with running water because the tank doesn’t work”  he said.

” Because it never overflows again, they think the septic tank is working. Of course it won’t overflow, its got 30 miles of stream and river before it gets to the sea as a percolation area!”

Read Further on in the Full Article Here


Do I need to Replace my Septic Tank?

The good news is you may not need to! Some tanks will perform to the required standard with some adjustments. If you are unsure about whether you need to replace your tank or not, then call us today on Lo-Call 1850 200 702 and we will assist you.

We offer a free site visit and assessment and will provide you with the best advice, taking into account your needs and budget. Whether you need some minor adjustments, or an updated system, we can provide the best solution for you.

We operate through Ireland, both north and south. All our systems come with a warranty and the reliability and customer care we offer all our customers.

Rest assured if it’s an O’Reilly Oakstown Tank you know you have the best.

Contact us here and we will get back to you asap